Donation to science
The Turku University Foundation’s assets consist of private endowments, mainly from wills and individual donations. Some funds have been created from corporate donations and collections. When a new fund is created, we compile a short biography of donors and give it to all grant recipients.
The University of Turku focuses its fundraising on receiving one-off and annual donations for the development of the University’s activities, while the Turku University Foundation is responsible for managing bequests to the University community and implementing the provisions of the will.
The capital from the testament will be preserved, and its annual income will be distributed to the researchers of the University of Turku, as stated in the testamentary provision. The income from the assets is fairly distributed to the designated funds so that funds all receive the same percentage return. The administrative costs are distributed on the same principle.
If you are interested in dedicated funds, please contact our CEO, Mikael Luukanen.
You can also make a donation to designated funds and the General Fund (bank account: FI87 1733 3000 0072 25).
Money collection permit: RA/2021/1185.